Power management circuits and systems,switch mode, switched-capacitor and hybrid DC-DC power converters
Piezoelectric/photovoltaic/thermoelectric/RF etc. energy harvesting chips
Wireless power transfer, Isolation power management and AC-DC rectifiers
High efficiency GaN drivers,LED drivers
2011年09月-2018年06月 澳门大学, 电机及电脑工程, 硕士、博士
2017年03月-2017年09月 香港科技大学, Integrated Power Electronics Lab 访问交流
2007年09月-2011年07月 澳门大学, 电机及电脑工程, 学士
2021年-至今 复旦大学, 微电子学院, 青年研究员
2018年12月-2021年1月 复旦大学, 博士后
2018年09月-2018年12月 复旦大学, 微电子学院, 研究助理
SCI期刊《Energies》客座编辑,《微电子学》,《Smart Grids》等期刊编委
IEEE JSSC, TCAS-1等期刊和会议审稿人
在能量收集、电源管理领域发表了二十余篇高质量的文章,其中包含有6篇固态电路顶刊JSSC 论文和3篇“芯片奥林匹克”ISSCC 论文,6篇电力电子顶刊TPE论文,生物电子顶刊TBioCAC论文和定制集成电路顶会CICC论文等,google scholar引用超500次。作为项目负责人承担了一批国家级项目和企业项目,包括国家自然科学基金“可用于物联网的超低功耗压电能源采集和电源管理芯片”项目,国家重点实验室面上项目,晶华微电子等公司项目;作为核心成员参与国家科技部重点研发计划“光电子与微电子器件及集成”重点专项“高能效人机交互芯片技术”和澳门科学技术发展基金会“可用于双向通信的超低功率太阳能CMOS生物可植入传感芯片”等项目。授权多项国际、国内专利。
1) J. Ruan, Z. Chen, et al., “A Hybrid Buck-or-Boost Converter for Fast-Transient and Wide-Voltage-Range Applications With Continuous Output Delivery Current,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), 2025.
2) Y. Wei, Z. Chen, et al., “An Inductor-less Capacitor-less Synchronous Piezoelectric-Electromagnetic Hybrid Energy Harvesting Platform with Coil-Sharing Scheme,” IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb, 2025.
3)J. Wang, Z. Chen*, et al., “Enhancing Efficiency in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting: Collaborative-flip Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Capacitors Rectifier and Multi-Output DC-DC Converters Utilizing Shared Capacitors,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), 2024.
4) Z. Li, Z. Chen*, et al., “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Interface Using Self-bias-flip Rectifier and Switched-PEH DC-DC for MPPT,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), 2024.
5) Q. Zuo, Z. Chen*, et al., An Ultra-Efficient and Compact Flipping-Input Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Inductor and Capacitors Interface Circuit for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and SystemsⅡ(TCAS-Ⅱ), 2024.
6) W. Li, Z. Chen*, et al., “A Single-Stage Four-Phase Dual-Output Regulating Rectifier With Ultrafast Transient Response Using Double-Frequency Current-Wave Modulation”, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2024.
7) X. Yue, Z. Chen, et al., “A Fully Integrated Sequential Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Capacitors Rectifier Based on Split-Electrode for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE), 2024.
8) T. Lu, Z. Chen, et al., “A Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting System Assisted by a Piezoelectric Transducer Achieving 10-mV Cold-startup and 82.7% Peak Efficiency”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE), 2024.
9) Z. Li, Z. Chen*, et al., “A Self-Bias-flip Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Array without External Energy Reservoirs achieving 488% Improvement with 4-Ratio Switched-PEH DC-DC Converter, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), Apr., 2023.
10) Z. Li, Z. Chen*, et al., “A Self-bias-flip with Charge Recycle Interface Circuit with No External Energy Reservoir for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Array, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE), July, 2023.
11) Q. Lu, Z. Chen, et al., “A Dynamically Reconfigurable Recursive Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter with Adaptive Load Ability Enhancement, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE), June, 2023.
12) S. Liu, Z. Chen, et al., “A Single-stage 3-Mode Reconfigurable Regulating Rectifier for Wireless Power Transfer, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE), June, 2023.
13) J. Wang, Z. Chen*,et al., Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters: An Overview on Design Strategies and Topologies, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and SystemsⅡ(TCAS-Ⅱ), Vol. 69, no. 7, pp 3057-3063, July 2022.
14) Y. Yang, Z. Chen*, et al., Circuit Techniques for High Efficiency Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, Micromachines, vol. 13, no. 7, pp 1044, 2022.
15) H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, et al., A Tuning Range Extension Technique for Waveform-Shaping Single-core CMOS Oscillators with No Dedicated Harmonic Tuning, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and SystemsⅡ(TCAS-Ⅱ), Oct. 2022.
16) J. Wang, Z. Chen*, et al., A Cross Regulation Reduced Multi-Output and Multi-VCR Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System Using Shared Capacitors, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Oct. 2022.
17) Y. Yang, Z. Chen*, et al., A Multiple Charge Extractions and Multiple Pre-charge Interface Circuit for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Oct. 2022.
18) B. Zhao, Z. Chen, et al “Series Synchronized triple bias-flip circuit: maximizing the usage of single storage capacitor for piezoelectric energy harvesting enhancement”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE), Vol. 36, pp 6787 - 6796, Jun. 2021.
19) Z. Chen, et al., Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Interface using Split-Phase Flipping-Capacitor Rectifier with Capacitor-Reuse for Input Power Adaptation, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), Vol. 55, pp 2106-2117, Aug, 2020.
20) Z. Li, Z. Chen*, et al., An Energy Harvesting System with Reconfigurable Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Array for IoT Applications, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Oct. 2020.
21) L. Teng, Z. Chen, “Multiple Charge Extractions with Bias-flip Interface Circuit for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Oct. 2020.
22) Z. Chen, et al., A Piezoelectric Energy-Harvesting Interface using Split-Phase Flipping-Capacitor Rectifier (SPFCR) and Capacitor Reuse Multiple-VCR SC DC-DC Achieving 9.3x Energy-Extraction Improvement, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb, 2019.
23) Y. Jiang, Z. Chen, et al, Algebraic Series-Parallel-Based Switched-Capacitor DC–DC Boost Converter with Wide Input Voltage Range and Enhanced Power Density, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), Sep. 2019.
24) Z. Chen, et al., Fully-Integrated Inductor-less Flipping-Capacitor Rectifier (FCR) for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), Vol. 52, pp 3168-3180, Dec, 2017.
25) Z. Chen, et al., “A 1.7mm2 Inductor-less Fully-Integrated Flipping-Capacitor Rectifier (FCR) for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting with 483% Power Extraction Enhancement, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Feb, 2017.
26) Z. Chen, et al., A Single-Chip Solar Energy Harvesting IC using Integrated Photodiodes with a 66% Charge Pump Maximum Efficiency, IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), Vol. 11, pp 1-10, Jan, 2016.
27) Z. Chen, et al., Optimization of On-Chip Charge Pump Together with Solar Cell in Micro Watts, IEEE International Conference on Electron Device Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC), Sep. 2013.